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Fit Fore Golf

This program is designed for golfers who want to improve their game through the combination of physical fitness and technique. You will retrain your motor patterns to ensure you move more naturally and efficiently for golf, and then combine this with proper drills and technique to solidify your new physical skills. Golf fitness is no longer just for PGA and LPGA tour players, it is accessible to everyone! Work with a golf instructor and trainer of your choice so you have a dedicated team of professionals around you to provide you with all the tools and resources you need to improve.
What you get from this program
As with all of our programs, a Golf & Fitness coaching program is 100% customizable, depending on your needs, abilities and time comittment. All students will receive 24/7 access to their coaching team via the CoachNow App, as well as a TPI assessment at the beginning and end of the program. Here is what we recommend as a starting point for anyone interested in this program:
Step 1 - Consultation with golf and fitness professional
In this meeting we determine your goals for improvement, your availability, and your commitment. We also want to make sure that the coaches and athlete are in sync and committed to one another. It has to be a good fit for everyone to get maximum results!
Step 2 - Assessments
This stage is vital to determining the best course of action, both physically and technically. Our professionals will perform a TPI level 1 physical screen to determine your physical limitations as they relate to the golf swing. We will also run through a series of full swing, short game, and putting assessments to give a full picture of where the athlete's golf game is. Once the assessments are completed the golf and fitness professional can take that information and put a plan of attack together.
Step 3 - Training
As previously stated, each athlete's training program will look different, but what we can anticipate is a combination of personal training sessions, at home training, formal golf lessons and at home golf practice. You will likely be meeting one of your professionals (fitness or golf) once every two weeks to ensure progress is being made and to add new challenges to your practice. Trust that your team of professionals will build you a plan for success, all you have to do is follow it!
Step 4 - Reassess
A vital part of any improvement plan, we will measure your improvement against your initail assessment and make sure we are on the right track. Modifications to the training program can be made at this point should they be necessary.
Program Duration - 6 months

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